Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Combined Formulars

I was planning to have this Formular incorporated in our sheets, however I can’t find a way to accomplish this:

The basic Formular is used to set a cell to either "1" or "0": 

IF(AND([Contract Date]7 - TODAY() <= 2, NOT(Status7 = "N/A"), NOT(Status7 = "Not Scheduled"), NOT(Status7 = "Completed")), 1, 0)


Since “Contract Date” is blank until the date has been established, it will set the cell to "1" when no date is entered.

We don't want that!

Is it possible to bypass the execution until a date has been entered?


IF [Contract Date]7 is not blank

Then Execute this

IF(AND([Contract Date]7 - TODAY() <= 2, NOT(Status7 = "N/A"), NOT(Status7 = "Not Scheduled"), NOT(Status7 = "Completed")), 1, 0)



Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Try this: =IF(ISBLANK([Contract Date]@row), "", IF(AND([Contract Date]@row - TODAY() <= 2, NOT(Status@row = "N/A"), NOT(Status@row = "Not Scheduled"), NOT(Status@row = "Completed")), 1, 0))


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