Number to Text Formula


I am attempting to create a formula that takes a figure from 'Application by Employee Rating' Column and turns into text depending on the range the number sits within.

For example if the figure was between 0 - 10 it would return "Low" or 11-25 "Medium".

Is this possible?



  • markkrebs
    markkrebs ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes it is with and AND conditions and ifs,

    =IF(AND([Column]@row < 11, [Column]@row > -10), "Low", IF(AND([Column]@row >11, [Column]@row < 26), "Medium","text when it doesn't meet either"))

  • Thanks, that's great. I have tried to amend it without success to

    0 - 20 = Very Low

    21 - 50 = Low

    51 - 100 = Medium

    101 - 200 = High

    201 and greater = Very High

    Many thanks for your help in advance

  • markkrebs
    markkrebs ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    =IF(AND(Severity@row <= 20, Severity@row > -1), "Very Low", IF(AND(Severity@row >= 21, Severity@row <= 50), "Low", IF(AND(Severity@row <= 100, Severity@row >= 51), "Medium", IF(AND(Severity@row <= 200, Severity@row >= 101), "High", "Very High"))))

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