How to turn on Contacts when imported from Excel


I imported a list of 200 names, all known to Smartsheet, from Excel, into a column. The names show up as text values. I changed the column format to be "Contact" but the names are still text.

If I type the name into the column, it activates as a Contact. I need a way to activate the other 199 names without having to type them in one by one. How can I do that?

Best Answer

  • Kelly Drake
    Kelly Drake Overachievers Alumni
    Answer ✓

    You'll need emails in your excel file for the contact to be activated. If you have data uploader you can import the info otherwise you'll need to copy/paste to transfer the details.

    Kelly Drake (she/her/hers)

    STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY| business optimization product manager


  • Kelly Drake
    Kelly Drake Overachievers Alumni
    Answer ✓

    You'll need emails in your excel file for the contact to be activated. If you have data uploader you can import the info otherwise you'll need to copy/paste to transfer the details.

    Kelly Drake (she/her/hers)

    STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY| business optimization product manager

  • Cathy Handzel

    Thank you, Kelly,

    However, that's unfortunate, because I don't have the emails in my incoming data. Since I know all the names are recognized in Smartsheet since I can type any of them, and the Contact is activated, I was hoping I wouldn't have to provide an email, since it's already there.

    Is there someway I can use a formula to take the name and lookup the email address that Smartsheet has and put that value into a column so it's active as a contact?

    Thank you.