I am struggling, quite a simple one


I have a column based on form submission, asking the question with answers yes and no as selections, I thien want to create a score in the next column based on Yes = 2 and No = 1, I cant get the function to work, so far I have created =IF([Reported MSK ill health - 6 months]@row = "Yes", "2") which picks up the Yes's but what do I add to pick up the No's???

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Debbie,

    Every IF statement has both a True and False response. In Smartsheet, if you don't list a False, smartsheet assumes you want it to do nothing- which is quite handy. However in your case, to pick up the No's, we need to add the False side of the IF statement (I am assuming that Yes and No are the only two possible responses in your column).

    =IF([Reported MSK ill health - 6 months]@row = "Yes", 2, 1)

    (Since you are using numbers you don't have to enclose them in quotes.)

    Note that the "Yes" is case sensitive.



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Debbie,

    Every IF statement has both a True and False response. In Smartsheet, if you don't list a False, smartsheet assumes you want it to do nothing- which is quite handy. However in your case, to pick up the No's, we need to add the False side of the IF statement (I am assuming that Yes and No are the only two possible responses in your column).

    =IF([Reported MSK ill health - 6 months]@row = "Yes", 2, 1)

    (Since you are using numbers you don't have to enclose them in quotes.)

    Note that the "Yes" is case sensitive.


  • Debbie Priest

    Thank you that's it sorted, much appreciated for your time

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