Automatically send report to assigned user

hello smart people!

I am working on a resource assignment project (no we are not upgrading to 10,000 feet - been down that road ;-) just no money in the budget this year)

I am assigning people to a project and want to send them the main details so they can then update their personal project sheet. I cannot just reference (VLOOKUP) the main project sheet from the personal sheets and have drop downs that allow the user to enter non-capital projects. (Can't have a formula AND a dropdown in the same cell)

I was hoping to just send a simple report that will have the needed data that they can just copy and paste into their personal sheet. I know I can do an automated email with fields, just copy/paste for each column is a pain. If I could email a report, they could just simply copy and paste. Also, can't just "copy rows" because the main project sheet has 4 times the columns as the personal sheet.

Or can I reference a sheet in the automated email and it would ONLY show the assigned users new project?


Best Answer

  • David Joyeuse
    David Joyeuse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Julie Fleming

    I'm not sure I'm following you on what you intend to do here as a whole. But I'll give it a try providing help.

    How about using a third sheet with a form where you enter the main details and the assigned user of your new project. Limit this sheet to the number of columns you really need, that do have an automation on coyping rows to both main and personnal project sheet.

    Regarding your problem with formulas and drop down cells, to me that means two separates columns. You want to have locked columns with formulas to provide info, and unlocked columns where users input datas that other users can look for if they need to.

    If that doesn't help, could you provide a few screens with dummy data to get a better idea of your intentions here?

    Hope it helped!


  • David Joyeuse
    David Joyeuse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Julie Fleming

    I'm not sure I'm following you on what you intend to do here as a whole. But I'll give it a try providing help.

    How about using a third sheet with a form where you enter the main details and the assigned user of your new project. Limit this sheet to the number of columns you really need, that do have an automation on coyping rows to both main and personnal project sheet.

    Regarding your problem with formulas and drop down cells, to me that means two separates columns. You want to have locked columns with formulas to provide info, and unlocked columns where users input datas that other users can look for if they need to.

    If that doesn't help, could you provide a few screens with dummy data to get a better idea of your intentions here?

    Hope it helped!