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IF formula to generate deadline


   I am looking to create an IF formula that would generate an upcoming deadline automatically based on two factors.  The first is a customer dropdown selection row and the second being the submission date of the item.

   Such that if a certain customer is selected a due date will be generated 10 days from the submission date.


  • =IF(AND(Customer1 = "Universal", [Inquiry Type]1 = "Scope Change"), DATE([Requested Date]1 + 10))


    This is where I am at so far and it doesn't seem to be correct.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Kristen Helmers
    edited 03/03/17

    I have also tried this and get an incorrect argument error.


    =IF(AND(Customer1 = "Universal", [Inquiry Type]1 = "Scope Change", DATE(DAY([Requested Date]1) + 10)))


    Is this not a possible function in smartsheet

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Try this:


    =IF(AND(Customer1 = "Universal", [Inquiry Type]1 = "Scope Change"), [Requested Date]1 + 10, "")


    1. You did not close the AND() properly.

    2. Days can be added to dates directly.

    3. This formula should be in a Date type column.

    4. The "" makes the date blank if you don't match your criteria. You can skip that without harm.


    Hope this helps.


  • Kristen Helmers
    edited 03/06/17

    Thank you! This works perfectly!!

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