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Batch Update Request

I would like to send update requests for different rows to the 'assigned to' field in a batch request. 


Multiple update requests at one time. 


My specific purpose is to send out requests for proposals and collect PDF responses along with other information about the proposal and template the process to apply to multiple projects.



  • Gwyneth C
    Gwyneth C ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Jeremiah,


    Great question and scenario. 


    At this time, it's not possible to send Update Requests in bulk based on the contents of a Contact column.


    If this is something you do regularly, it might be worth looking into creating a custom solution for this. The Smarthseet API makes the values in the Assigned To and the Send Update Request feature available, so the product could be extended to do this. If you're not a developer type, Smartsheet has resources available to help and there are partner firms available that do this type of work as well.


    Here's a link to the Smartsheet resources for more information:



    Thanks for your question ... and note that I will add your vote to the Smartsheet Enhancement Request list to allow the app to do this natively (i.e. without needing to craft a customization).




  • Hi Jeremiah,

    I was looking for the same functionality and figured out a workaround.

    You can set up an update request action that will send bulk update requests to the assignment column based on the rules of the action. 


    1. Create a checkbox "Request Update" Column in your sheet 
    2. in Alerts & Actions create a rule that will send out an update request
    3. set the parameters of the rule that will fire the update request.
      1. When the following change occurs: "Request Update" column changes to "Checked"
      2. In any row where "Column X" is "blank" (or whatever)
      3. Send undate request to "Contact in column" "Assignment"
      4. In the Delivery Settings hyperlink in the bottom of the Edit Rule window you can select which columns you would like updated.
    4. Once the rule is created you can bulk check the "Request Update" checkbox column and the update requests will be sent to the "Assigned To" column in each row.

    Hope this helped.


  • Hi,

    Once the checkbox is "checked", is there a way to automatically uncheck it when the rule is fired? Otherwise, if the user updating that row doesnt "uncheck" it, it will keep going in a loop and sending out update requests.



  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    It is easily done with alerts & actions. 

  • Please add my vote to do this also...this is one of the main reasons we got a SmartSheet Lic.

  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    This functionality is presently available with triggers. 


This discussion has been closed.