IF function with function result as condition

andri witana
andri witana ✭✭
edited 01/22/21 in Formulas and Functions

hi all;

=IF([Link SO]@row = "#NO MATCH"; "Tersedia"; "Terjual")

so i want to create this formula, if the condition cell contain "#NO MATCH" which is a result of INDEX function.

it always result in "#NO MATCH"

any input?


update!..... edit

sorry all. plz ignore. i have found the solution

for those who found same problem, #NO MATCH is an error result

so combine any function with IFERROR function if you need to use the cell as reference of other cell formula

Best Answer

  • andri witana
    andri witana ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    sorry all. plz ignore. i have found the solution

    for those who found same problem, #NO MATCH is an error result

    so combine any function with IFERROR function if you need to use the cell as reference of other cell formula


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