Getting characters from before and after a text



I have this value in a cell. I need some help to create a formula that can find the last '$' sign and get maximum of 4 number after the '$' sign and 6 numbers before the '$' sign from the data below.

"FB12345 $12345 ABCD 12345 SC

FB12346 $1234 ABCD 12345 SC

FB12347 $123 ABCD 12345 SC

FB12348 $12 ABCD 12345 SC"

The result I was expecting is "12348 $12"

Best Answer

  • Zisun Mahmud Zihad
    edited 01/28/21 Answer ✓

    Yes, It has to be the number after FB which is 5 character long and the number after $ sign is maximum 3 character long.

    By the way, I solved the problem myself. I hope this help anyone else whoever needs.

    =MID(RIGHT([Primary Column]@row, 33), FIND("$", RIGHT([Primary Column]@row, 33)) - 6, 5)
     + " " + 
     MID(RIGHT([Primary Column]@row, 33), FIND("$", RIGHT([Primary Column]@row, 33)), 4))

    In the formula, 33 is just a number I choose, so that the formula takes the last 33 characters which has only one $ sign. Then the formula will find the position of the $ sign and run though MID() formula to find the values.

    Thank you @Paul Newcome


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Did you want up to 4 characters after the $ or up to the space after the $ or a set 4 characters?

    Will it always be 2 characters before the start of the string you want to pull?

  • Zisun Mahmud Zihad
    edited 01/28/21 Answer ✓

    Yes, It has to be the number after FB which is 5 character long and the number after $ sign is maximum 3 character long.

    By the way, I solved the problem myself. I hope this help anyone else whoever needs.

    =MID(RIGHT([Primary Column]@row, 33), FIND("$", RIGHT([Primary Column]@row, 33)) - 6, 5)
     + " " + 
     MID(RIGHT([Primary Column]@row, 33), FIND("$", RIGHT([Primary Column]@row, 33)), 4))

    In the formula, 33 is just a number I choose, so that the formula takes the last 33 characters which has only one $ sign. Then the formula will find the position of the $ sign and run though MID() formula to find the values.

    Thank you @Paul Newcome

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    This will also work. If it is always starting on the 3rd character, then we can just use 3 as the starting point of the MID. Then we locate the space that comes after the $, subtract 3 from that (the space and the "FB"), and use that number as our number of characters to output.

    =MID([Primary Column]@row, 3, FIND(" ", [Primary Column]@row, FIND("$", [Primary Column]@row)) - 3)

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