Unparseable Formula

I have sheet with a few columns, two of which are:

  1. symbol column with the status bar
  2. a % complete field

I want a formula in the status bar which auto picks (i.e. column formula) based on the % in the second column.

so i have this formula in column 1:

=IF([% Complete]@row <>" ", if([% Complete]@row=0, "Empty", if(and([% Complete]@row >0, [% Complete]@row <= .25), "Quarter", if(and([% Complete]@row >.25, [% Complete]@row <=.5), "Half", if(and([% Complete]@row >.5, [% Complete]@row <=.75), "Three Quarter"', if([% Complete]@row=1, "Full"))))))

if the % Complete column is blank, then i don't want it to evaluate the formula, hence the first IF.

I get an error saying this formula is unpareseable.

Anyone know why?

Best Answers

  • Umesh Shah
    Umesh Shah ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    yes, this a copy/paste from the sheet.

    good catch, i modified the formula to be:

    =IF([% Complete]@row <>" ", if([% Complete]@row=0, "Empty", if(and([% Complete]@row >0, [% Complete]@row <= .25), "Quarter", if(and([% Complete]@row >.25, [% Complete]@row <=.5), "Half", if(and([% Complete]@row >.5, [% Complete]@row <=.99), "Three Quarter"', if([% Complete]@row=1, "Full"))))))

    thanks, still the same error though

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Lets try this...

    Here is a simplified version of your formula that will work the same way:

    =IF([% Complete]@row = "", "", IF([% Complete]@row = 1, "Full", IF([% Complete]@row > 0.5, "Three Quarter", IF([% Complete]@row > 0.25, "Half", IF([% Complete]@row > 0, "Quarter", "Empty")))))

    But depending on your region you may need to swap out commas for semicolons and periods for commas (I think this is going to be the issue even with your existing formula):

    =IF([% Complete]@row = ""; ""; IF([% Complete]@row = 1; "Full"; IF([% Complete]@row > 0,5; "Three Quarter"; IF([% Complete]@row > 0,25; "Half"; IF([% Complete]@row > 0; "Quarter"; "Empty")))))


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