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Filter to see hours per person

Rachel Wood
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi Smartsheet,


I have a column 'Assigned to' that lists employees name for specifc tasks. I also have a column that is 'Outsourced Hours'. When I filter on a specific employee it does not show me the total hours they have been outsourced. I would like the ability choose an assignee and see their total hours.


Any suggestions?

Thank you.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I typically do this by adding new columns. It can be done with the existing columns, but that may require updates to the formulas when rows are added or deleted.

    By putting the formulas in separate columns, I can use the entire existing columns for the search. 

    The formulas go in either a header (recommended) or footer area with other  accumulators / counters for the entire sheet.


    1. Create a new Contact List type column [Outsource Assigned To].

    - this column will have the person you are looking for the total hours for.


    2. Create a new Text/Number type column [Outsourced Totals]

    - in the same row with the person you are looking for, add this formula:


    =SUMIF([Assigned To]:[Assigned To], [Outsourced Assigned To]23, [Outsurced Hours]:[Outsurced Hours])


    The 23 is the row number where the persons name you are looking for is.


    If you wish to have this always showing certain people, just add a new row with their name.


    If I have a lot of these, the column names might be something generic and used for other counts/sums.


    Hope this helps.




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    To answer the orginal question, filters do not auto-sum like the Subtototals/Grouping functions in Excel and OpenOffice.




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