looking for a blank = how do I enter this into my formula?

I have a countif to look for "tbd", but I also want it to look if someone did not enter "tbd", but left the field blank.

I tried to use countifs and add " " after my "tbd", but it does not work. Suggestions?

Thanks so much for your assistance.

Best Answers

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    edited 02/02/21 Answer ✓

    Hey @Barbara Witt

    Try this

    =COUNTIFS([your tbd column]:[your tbd column],OR(@cell = "tbd", @cell = ""))

    Instead of @cell="" you can also use ISBLANK(@cell)


  • Barbara Witt
    Barbara Witt ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thanks, Kelly. That is what I am looking for. Is there something like ISNOTBLANK or HASAVALUE?

    For another scenario I want to count how many project numbers I have if the date field is not empty (or if the date field has a date).

    =COUNTIFS([your tbd column]:[your tbd column, ISDATE({DAX Ambient Inventory Range 2}))

    =COUNTIFS([your tbd column]:[your tbd column, ISNOTDATE({DAX Ambient Inventory Range 2}))

    The above does not work. How could this work?

    I very much appreciate your continued support, Barbara

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey Barbara

    Is your COUNTIFS formula going on the same sheet or a cross referenced sheet? I ask because you have mixed the syntax of the ranges between same sheet and cross referenced sheets

    When on the same sheet, we reference columns using [column name]:[column name].

    For retrieving data from a different sheet, a cross-sheet referenced is created and it will be shown as {range} (As a good practice, edit the generic smartsheet range name to be sheet name -column name)

    You're right that ISDATE will weed out both blanks and text (eg, 'tbd') in a date field.

    COUNTIFS have the syntax of (range1, criteria1, range2, criteria2, range3, criteria3, etc). You always have to put in the range, criteria pair into a countifs formula.

    =COUNTIFS({DAX Ambient Inventory Range 2}, ISDATE(@cell))

    =COUNTIFS(({DAX Ambient Inventory Range 2}, NOT(ISDATE(@cell))). We could have also Counted project names and subtracted the ISDATES from that.

    If you're looking for non blanks, you can always use <>"" which is an easy way to write not blank. Like the rest of the community, I'm here to help if you need it, just call me out.



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    edited 02/02/21 Answer ✓

    Hey @Barbara Witt

    Try this

    =COUNTIFS([your tbd column]:[your tbd column],OR(@cell = "tbd", @cell = ""))

    Instead of @cell="" you can also use ISBLANK(@cell)


  • Barbara Witt
    Barbara Witt ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thanks, Kelly. That is what I am looking for. Is there something like ISNOTBLANK or HASAVALUE?

    For another scenario I want to count how many project numbers I have if the date field is not empty (or if the date field has a date).

    =COUNTIFS([your tbd column]:[your tbd column, ISDATE({DAX Ambient Inventory Range 2}))

    =COUNTIFS([your tbd column]:[your tbd column, ISNOTDATE({DAX Ambient Inventory Range 2}))

    The above does not work. How could this work?

    I very much appreciate your continued support, Barbara

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey Barbara

    Is your COUNTIFS formula going on the same sheet or a cross referenced sheet? I ask because you have mixed the syntax of the ranges between same sheet and cross referenced sheets

    When on the same sheet, we reference columns using [column name]:[column name].

    For retrieving data from a different sheet, a cross-sheet referenced is created and it will be shown as {range} (As a good practice, edit the generic smartsheet range name to be sheet name -column name)

    You're right that ISDATE will weed out both blanks and text (eg, 'tbd') in a date field.

    COUNTIFS have the syntax of (range1, criteria1, range2, criteria2, range3, criteria3, etc). You always have to put in the range, criteria pair into a countifs formula.

    =COUNTIFS({DAX Ambient Inventory Range 2}, ISDATE(@cell))

    =COUNTIFS(({DAX Ambient Inventory Range 2}, NOT(ISDATE(@cell))). We could have also Counted project names and subtracted the ISDATES from that.

    If you're looking for non blanks, you can always use <>"" which is an easy way to write not blank. Like the rest of the community, I'm here to help if you need it, just call me out.


  • Yes, Kelly. This did it. Thank you very much.

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