Automation to send data on row to the contact on that row

Table Format:

Data 1 | Contact 1

Data 2 | Contact 2

Just want Data 1 sent to Contact 1 and then Data 2 sent to Contact 2 on a scheduled basis.

With the update request, that prompt the user to change the value or can it be set to just be view only since this would only be for a view only distribution of data. Also not interested in the "Open Update Form" link/button that is part of that Request An Update Action in the Automations.

Any other way short of sending the whole sheet of data to everyone?

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Create a workflow that triggers when you want it.. Possibly the day after the data is entered or the change of a status field... It could even be something like an approved to send checkbox...

    You will obviously need a field for the email of the person to send it to and make it a contact type field

    Create your workflow and have it send an alert.. You can use the message to pull in fields from the sheet encased in {{Brackets}}.

    So it would be something like:

    Please find attached your data from {{Survey Date}}.
    You will note the Following:
    Main Data: {{Data1}}
    Other Data: {{Data2}}
    If there are issues with your data please email
    Thanks and have a great day

    In your case, it sounds like you want to choose Message only.. this way the person gets a text message with the data.. I have decided to send attachments which include pictures to the users.

    They do not get any buttons to click on to edit the data


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Create a workflow that triggers when you want it.. Possibly the day after the data is entered or the change of a status field... It could even be something like an approved to send checkbox...

    You will obviously need a field for the email of the person to send it to and make it a contact type field

    Create your workflow and have it send an alert.. You can use the message to pull in fields from the sheet encased in {{Brackets}}.

    So it would be something like:

    Please find attached your data from {{Survey Date}}.
    You will note the Following:
    Main Data: {{Data1}}
    Other Data: {{Data2}}
    If there are issues with your data please email
    Thanks and have a great day

    In your case, it sounds like you want to choose Message only.. this way the person gets a text message with the data.. I have decided to send attachments which include pictures to the users.

    They do not get any buttons to click on to edit the data

  • Thanks. I think I was looking at it too much and overlooked the obvious. Nice to know that it basically works like a "mail merge" and keeps the row contact together with the row data. I've set it to process the whole sheet on a reoccurring schedule to email updates.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad I could Help