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Rounding ONLY Up

Dane Copple
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts



I have a construction equipment management sheet and I am trying to create a customized rounding formula for the "months rented" cell. Equipment rentals usually charge at intervals of 1-week, after that at 2-week, then after that at 1-month. Because of this, having a value like "1.3 or 1.6 months rented" doesn't make any sense, because they will charge based on 0.25, 0.50, or 1.0 months.


What I want my formula to do is look at the cell and round up to the nearest HIGHER interval, so if cell A said "32.1", cell B would change it to "32.25," or if it said "14.3", cell B would be "14.5" or if it said "4.6" cell B would say "5". 


My idea was this:

=IF(RIGHT([Months - Not Rounded]1, 1) >= 5, [Months - Not Rounded]1 + 1 - RIGHT([Months - Not Rounded]1, 1), OTHER NESTED FUNCTIONS)


However, this formula doesn't work once the bold part is inserted, and obviously the other functions need be inserted. 


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    What type of colum is the [Months - Not Rounded]?

    Appears to be Text/Number (but formatted as text).


    How is this data derived?



  • J. Craig Williams,


    The Months - Not Rounded column is a Text/Number column type, with values rounded to the nearest tenth, for example 12.5, 3.7,  20.2. 


    That value is derived by  [Date Off Rent]  -  [Date Arrrived] = 10.2 Months.


    The value to the nearest tenth, so I figured I could just use the RIGHT functions to make the calculation happen, but to no avail.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    RIGHT() returns text.


    Try VALUE(RIGHT()) and see if that works.


    Let me know if it does not. If not, I will take a look late tonight at the earliest.




    The value was the issue!


    I ended up simplifying it to "if it's larger than two weeks (.5), that round it up. If it's lower than .5, leave the number alone.



    =IF(VALUE(RIGHT([Months - Not Rounded]9, 1)) >= 5, [Months - Not Rounded]9 + 1 - VALUE(RIGHT([Months - Not Rounded]9, 2)), [Months - Not Rounded]9)


    Thank you SO much for your help, sir! This is an absolute God-send!

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