Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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If between certain numbers tier 1,2,3

I am trying to rank a set of projects by tier 1-3 based on a scorecard. If scores come in between 0-11, tier 3, 12-19, tier 2 and above 20 tier 1. I am trying to use an IF(OR type of formula and keep getting unparseable.

My current formula is: =IF([Adjusted Score]2 = <11, "Tier 3", IF(OR([Adjusted Score]2 = >12, [Adjusted Score]@row = <19, "Tier 2", IF([Adjusted Score]@row = >20, "TIER 1")))))

Any help is appreciated. Thanks


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    You can get UNPARSEABLE if you have unbalanced parentheses. I'm counting 3 left parentheses (one for each IF), but 5 right parentheses at the end of your final formula. If you remove the extra parentheses, do you still get the error?

  • Community Champion

    Malaina is correct, but i am also seeing an unclosed OR function. Try this:

    =IF([Adjusted Score]2 = <11, "Tier 3", IF(OR([Adjusted Score]2 = >12, [Adjusted Score]@row = <19), "Tier 2", IF([Adjusted Score]@row = >20, "TIER 1")))

    When using subfunctions like AND or OR or Even a DATE or Match function in your IF statements, you have close them out with end parenthesis to continue closing out the IF statement.

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