6 years later and the ability to link to a local drive still isn't implemented

Andrew1983 ✭✭
edited 03/11/21 in Smartsheet Basics

This basic feature has been requested since at least 2015. The thread below is literally YEARS of people asking for this.

I have submitted a "feature request" for this as I'm sure others have. How many times does SS need to hear this before it is implemented?

@Genevieve P

@Sean Morgan



  • Hi @Andrew1983

    It's good that you submitted your feedback through the Enhancement Request form; this form goes to our Product Team directly and they do review every submission as they continually make updates to the Smartsheet application.

    Due to the large number of variables that need to be considered, we can't confirm when or if this specific feature will be built. You can subscribe to the Release Notes page (here) if you want to be notified as updates are released.



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