Is there a way to write a formula to uncheck the box in one column IF another column has a checkmark

I am wondering if there is a simple formula that will uncheck a box in one column if a second column is checked. I am sure it is a really easy formula but I am drawing a blank. Thanks.

Smartsheet Overachievers Alumni


Best Answer


  • Hi Deanna,

    Try typing this while being on the Checkbox where you want the actions to happen

    =IF(NOT([Checkbox 2]@row = 1), 1, 0)

  • Deanna Vandermeer
    Deanna Vandermeer Overachievers Alumni

    Unfortunately this formula is not working for what we need and I have adjusted it multiple times to see if I can get it to work. We need to be able to check the "To Do" column and would like for it to uncheck once we check the "Complete" column. So I am looking into a possible way of adding the formula in Sheet Summary since checking the box in either column deletes the formula. If this doesn't work I may need to add a hidden helper column and expand the formula to look at both columns. But I think I am close to solving this, thanks for the insight.

    Smartsheet Overachievers Alumni

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You could set this as a column formula which will default it to "checked" and then uncheck once you manually check the "complete" box.

    =IF([Complete Box Column]@row = "", 1)

    Since it defaults to checked until the other column is checked, you won't have to manually check the "To-Do" box.

  • I used an automation.

    Trigger: when rows are changed then clear a cell value.

    when said column is checked then it would automatically clear the check mark from the other cell.

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