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COUNTIFS with a date range and symbols

Adam Wong
Adam Wong
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

This is probably a no brainer for some of you with a lot more experience so I apologize ahead of time.


For argument's sake, I have 2 columns.  Column 1 we'll call DATE, column 2 we'll call SYMBOL.


I'm looking to count the number of "GREEN" symbols that have a date greater than or equal to 1/1/2017.  When I use the following formula, I do get a result but in reconciling what's automatically calculates vs. what I actually see, it's not coming out correctly.


=COUNTIFS([DATE]:[DATE], >="2017,01,01", SYMBOL:SYMBOL, ="Green")


Any idea why my numbers vs. a visual look don't reconcile?







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