Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Multi Select Drop Down Parsed to Separate Rows in a new sheet

I have a column in one sheet that is a multi-select drop down for ease of population for the user which I need parsed out in another sheet.

The user will fill out this template (sheet 1) first to choose the risks associated with each item:

The data in sheet 1 is linked to sheet 2 via cell linking, but I need the risks to link to this sheet in separate rows, ideally indented underneath the item description. There are additional columns specific to each risk that needs to be populated, which is why there is the need to copy over in a new sheet.

Any idea how this can be done?


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Cindy Marrero ,

    I suggest you relook your design. Trying to parse out multiple select entries into different rows on another sheet isn't scalable. Do you need 2 sheets? Is an input template required? Can you use forms? Can you use single select in multiple columns instead of multiple select? Can you work with multiple selections in the same cell? Etc.


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  • Unfortunately we went the Forms route and found it too cumbersome for teams to fill out when there are 50+ rows to assess. Thanks for your input and I'll give it some more thought on how to make more efficient all around.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Lots of smart people in the Community. Somebody may have a solution for you.


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