Auto drag down TODAY formula


Hello! I have a sheet with a column designated to always show the =TODAY(0) formula. However, I noticed that when new rows are added, I have to manually drag down the formula. Is there a way to auto-populate the column and lock it so each new row will always have this formula?



Best Answers

  • James Keuning
    James Keuning ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
  • David Fiorino
    David Fiorino ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Put the formula in the cell of row 1 and hit enter, right-click to get the context menu to appear, and choose the last option to 'convert to column formula'. This should set the column up. Click the down arrow just above the first row (the narrow gray row above the header text row) and choose 'lock column' so only admin can change this. If you want to edit the cell formula you have to right-click the cell to edit the formula since it is a column formula.


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