Formulas Including Today as Calculation with Blank Values


Hello. I'm trying to use the Today function to help calculate a check column. Essentially, I want to compare a Due Date Column and a Completed Date column to return a value in the Two Weeks column.

If Due Date is within the next two weeks of Today AND the Completed column is blank, it should return a value of "1" in the Two Weeks column.

If the Due Date is blank, not within the next two weeks, or if the Completed box isn't empty, it should return a value of "0" in the Two Weeks column.

I'm using the following formula and it works with the exception that it returns a value of "1" in the Two Weeks column even if the Due Date is blank. Any thoughts on how to correct?

=IF(AND([Due Date]@row <= TODAY(+14), Completed@row = ""), "1", "0")

Best Answer

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Taci Shinn ,


    =IF(AND(ISDATE([due date]@row), [Due Date]@row <= TODAY(+14), Completed@row = ""), "1", "0")



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