Heres and easy one, I dont know what i am doing wrong thou

I have a registration sheet that records registrations for different exams, I also have a column that confirms if the person that registered actually sat the exam, I want to count all the people sitting (sat) the exam for exam 1, exam 2 exams 3 etc.... where am I going wrong.

=COUNTIFS([Sat]:[Sat], ="true", [Exam Name]:[Exam Name] = "Exam 1")


  • Malaina Hudson
    Malaina Hudson ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @SharonR ,

    It would help to see the structure of your sheet. Is it possible to show the column headings and some sample data to help me figure out the formula?

  • SharonR
    SharonR ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 04/01/21

    Does this help, The check box columns is [Sat] and the Exam 1, 2 columns is called Exam name. I have to show the difference between the number of registrations per exam against the number of people who actually turn up for the exam. So I can count the number of registrations for exam 1, i need to count how may registered participants actually sat the exam... This seems straight forward to me, can not see why it is not working.

  • SharonR
    SharonR ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @SharonR

    I see a syntax error in your original formula. The formula shows an equal sign where there should be a comma

    I replaced the 'true' with a 1

    =COUNTIFS([Sat]:[Sat], 1, [Exam Name]:[Exam Name], "Exam 1")

  • Malaina Hudson
    Malaina Hudson ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @SharonR ,

    Hope you had a good holiday weekend. This does help, thank you. In your formula, change "true" to 1, like so.

    =COUNTIFS([Sat]:[Sat], 1, [Exam Name]:[Exam Name] = "Exam 1")

    When we export the checkbox, it displays as True or False depending on the check, but in formulas, it's validated as 0 or 1 (unchecked or checked).

    Let me know if this works! :)

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