Record a Date automation keeps updating to today's date.

I am using the "Record a Date" function to identify an Approval Date when the status of a request changes to "Approved."

The automation does record the date once the status is changed. However, once the date is recorded, the automation continually updates the date to the current date.

For example:

If a request was approved on 3/1, the Approved date field populates with 3/1.

The following day, the Approved Date field updates to 3/2, and continues on indefinitely. Cell history still indicates the status was changed on 3/1. It also indicates the Date field was updated on 3/1 AND on 3/2 by the Smartsheet Automation.

I am not having this problem with other Record a Date flows.

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Paula Ostroff

    I agree with @Andrée Starå, it would be helpful to see a screen capture of how your workflow is set up!

    Is the trigger set to be when this specific change happens (when it changes to "Approved"), or is the "Approved" status a condition and the trigger is based on a different update, such as when a date is reached?



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