Connector Run Date: Pull into Dashboard?

Is there a way to pull in the the "Run Date" from Smartsheet Connector into a sheet/report/dashboard?

I'd like to show the last time data was updated on a dashboard.

The Auto-Number/ System: Modified (Date) is not reliable since it only shows the date/time of the run when data actually changes (Salesforce, in this case). I would like to show the last time the connector actually ran (we run manually and cannot do bi-directional connections per business policies).




Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Christine Maurer

    There currently isn't a way to automatically display this Run Date in a Dashboard as you're looking to do, directly from the Connector's page.

    You note that the Modified (Date) system column won't work, is this because the Connector could be manually run but nothing at all changes on the sheet?

    If at least one row will change every Run, then you could have a Sheet Summary field set up with a formula to pull the MAX date (the most recent date) from the Modified column. This should give you a date and timestamp for the most recent change that happened, no matter where it happened on the sheet. Then you can use this as a Metric Widget on your Dashboard.


    Note that I added + "" to ensure that the Time comes through with the date. The field is a Text/Number Sheet Summary field.

    Will this work for you?



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