Nested ISBLANK Formula



I want to be able to look up changes to e.g. employee name, Job Title etc in a sheet and update the any changes on a staff sheet. However, if for example, their job title hasn't changed I need the formula to refer to 'old job title' column. I have a unique identifier of the Employee ID so, wondered if an INDEX MATCH would work with a nested ISBLANK to get it to refer to the 'old' column. Would this work and if so, could someone help with building the formula out? Or any alternative suggestions would be gratefully received.




Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Honestly I would suggest inserting a new column on the source sheet that would house the [Current Department] and use a basic IF statement in that. Then reference this new column in your INDEX/MATCH when pulling it over to the new sheet.

    =IF([Department Change?]@row = "Yes", [New Department]@row, [Old Department]@row)

    It can be done without the helper columns on the source sheet, but it involves A LOT more complexity.

    What is the purpose of pulling this data over into a new sheet?


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