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Calculating cost of multiple projects in one sheet

Nikki Manus
Nikki Manus ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I would like to calculate the cost and hours of multiple projects in one sheet, I would like to see how the cost and the hours of the project are increasing and decreasing in the various phases of the projects.   I would also like to put this information on my dashboard and report it to leadership as a visual report.



  • Hi,


    You can try building reports https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HhlCxxo7Lk&t=195s


    And link content from other sheets into one sheet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drX1cfJV6RE


    Good luck.


  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    This can be achieved by careful workflow design and by using a combination of each Project Sheet having a summary Dashboard of Standard KPIs reflecting progress in that sheet, which are then linked to the Master Portfolio sheet. Then use Reports to get the work done, or look across multipe sheets eg for a worker who is onvolved in many projects, they get the work done through their (Report)  to do list. A Different criteria Report for senior management and a Smartsheetlabs Graph to show at the board Meeting. 


    If that is not detailed enough, we have developed a workflow using Appsheet with Smartsheet which enables one task to be contributed to, by multiple workers over say a couple of weeks eg a bulding site, with only the sum total appearing in the project sheets. This workflow also includes the use of a Base line vs Actual Gant View at the various levels.

    For anyone seeking to explore the benefits of that more complex workflow, we offer a Free initial consultation and Demonstration? To be clear, there are costs involved in this solution if that is an issue. 

    Hope that helps and let us know how you get on Nikki. 




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