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Update Requests

Faye Rhodes
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts



We have set up update requests today to Deliver: Once on 17/04/17 ar 00:00. This however sent through immediatley? Other lines in the same sheet have exactly the same update requests set up?


Is this an error, or am I doing something really silly?


Many Thanks


  • Hi Faye,


    I'm not sure if you meant the 7th of April or the 17th of April from your discussion.


    If you meant the 7th of April (today) and some people didn't receive the update request, then there are a few possibilities:


    -Their email address was mistyped. This is the most common cause of people not receiving emails of any kind out of Smartsheet.

    -The update request was caught by their spam/junk filter. Have them check those to see if they got trapped there.

    -Their company's email system flagged the update request. This means they won't even see the update request in their inbox or spam/junk. They'll need to talk with their company's IT team and get these emails unflagged so they receive them.


    If you have any further questions on the above, I'd recommend contacting our Support team: https://help.smartsheet.com/contact

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