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Tracking equipment assignment schedules

Another dept is looking at specialized software to track Evaluation units we have in the field. Then someone said "maybe SmartSheet can do that". 


Here's the picture:

1. We have equipment, identified by SKU and serial number.

2. We have organizations using this equipment.

3. We want to track where a piece of equipment is at a given time, and when it will be available to schedule to another "customer". 

4. We want to track the history of where a piece of equipment has been. 


Lastly, we want a way to integrate this with the assets in SalesForce.com


Interstingly enough, SmartSheet can do about 70% of what they need pretty simply.


My challenge is that it appears that we need two tables: one for equipment, one for "customers", then do interaction between the two. Which I don't think SmartSheet can do.


Any ideas?




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