Daily Reports

Hello! New to Smartsheet. Looking to see how some of you have set up your Daily Reports from employees in the field. For my company, we need something that can be filled out from the mobile app. Preferably something that can be recorded as a child row under the project that the report pertains to AND the option to send a daily reminder would be nice. Any suggestions will be helpful! I haven’t been able to find anything in the discussions so far.


  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @patricia mccoy ,

    Smartsheets offers a number of features that can deliver what you're looking for. To determine which is right for you, I'd need to know more about how you're using Smartsheet and your work processes. What you're looking for is pretty straight forward. You'll be using or combining forms, reports, update requests, and automation. If you have access to WorkApps or Dynamic View there may be some options to consider there as well.

    There are lots of creative people in the community. Someone will probably have a use case that fits your need, too.


    I'm grateful for your "Vote Up" or "Insightful". Thank you for contributing to the Community.

  • Thanks @Mark

    We are a small GC, planning on using Smartsheet for tracking all aspects of our construction projects. From vendor POs and contracts to internally tracking time, project costs, and daily reports. Some things I have figured out how to do on my own, but am always looking to improve processes.

    Looking forward to getting some insight into how others are using Smartsheet for similar tasks.