How can get the most recently register of FSE from table 1 and send the name of FSE to table 2

Mi situation is that need review int the table 1 who have the 280.1 and once i identify the most recently register need send the name of the FSE who has the 280.1 to table 2

Table 1

Table 2

This I need

Best Answers

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You are going to need to insert a date type column and enter:

    =MAX(COLLECT({Other Sheet Fecha Column}, {Other Sheet ID Kit Column}, [ID Kit]@row))

    Then the formula you will want to pull the name is going to be:

    =INDEX(COLLECT({Other Sheet FSE Column}, {Other Sheet Fecha Column}, [New Date Column]@row, {Other Sheet ID Kit Column}, [ID Kit]@row), 1)

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Ok. In the source sheet we want to enter 2 new columns. A system generated auto-number column (no special formatting required) and a text/number column with the following column formula:

    =MATCH([Auto-Number]@row, [Auto-Number]:[Auto-Number], 0)

    Then we go back to the sheet you want to pull the data to and change that [New Date Column] to [Row To Pull] and switch it over to a text/number column. The new formula for this will be...

    =MAX(COLLECT({Other Sheet New Text/Number Column}, {Other Sheet ID Kit Column}, [ID Kit]@row))

    Then we would update the references in the formula used to pull the data to:

    =INDEX(COLLECT({Other Sheet FSE Column}, {Other Sheet New Text/Number Column}, [Row To Pull]@row, {Other Sheet ID Kit Column}, [ID Kit]@row), 1)


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