Dashboard Report Metrics - remove column headers

Hey Brainstrust,

I am wondering if there is a way to remove the report column headers from a report metric on a dashboard. We add our own hearders into the grid so we can change the formatting of the column headers (centre, change colour so they stand out etc). But obviously this looks a bit odd when there are 2 sets of column headers...

Soooo - I thought there used to be a way to remove the column headers from visibility but I can not seem to locate it in the new look?

thanks so much



Best Answer


  • Also would love to be able to remove column headers from reports widget!! +1 on this request.

  • Please get on and add this as an option - my dashboards would look much nicer without column headings

  • +1 to this. It's been requested for, at minimum, three years…is this being worked on by chance? Makes my dashboards look ugly because we cannot change the report column header colors or font color so we use title to do this. Having the report column header in there really makes it unappealing.