using date boundaries


Hello SS community,

I'm having trouble figuring out the right formula for having SS return the amount of days scheduled within a two dates. I need it to provide only positive numbers and zero for negative values. My columns are: Start date| Finish Date| Duration| Goal period start date| Goal Period end date| Goal Duration|. The formula would be in the Goal Duration column calculating the number of days from the Start Date/End Date columns that fall within the Goal Period Start Date and Goal Period End Date.

Thanks in advance for any help on this.



Best Answer


  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @kyle50541 

    Hope you are fine, Please add a copy of your sheet or a screenshot (after removing or replacing any sensitive information). This will make it easier for me to provide the appropriate answer to your question.

    PMP Certified

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  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    This should get you started. It is not the most efficient solution, but it should work.

    =IF(OR([Start Date]@row > [Goal Period End Date]@row, [Finish Date]@row < [Goal Period Start Date]@row), 0, IF(AND([Start Date]@row >= [Goal Period Start Date]@row, [Finish Date]@row >= [Goal Period End Date]@row), [Goal Period End Date]@row - [Start Date]@row, IF(AND([Start Date]@row >= [Goal Period Start Date]@row, [Finish Date]@row <= [Goal Period End Date]@row), [Finish Date]@row - [Start Date]@row, IF(AND([Start Date]@row <= [Goal Period Start Date]@row, [Finish Date]@row <= [Goal Period End Date]@row), [Finish Date]@row - [Goal Period Start Date]@row, IF(AND([Start Date]@row <= [Goal Period Start Date]@row, [Finish Date]@row >= [Goal Period End Date]@row), [Goal Period End Date]@row - [Goal Period Start Date]@row)))))

    I am going to keep on working on a more efficient solution though, but at least this way you don't have to wait while I test things out to at least get your sheet working.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    A little more condensed:

    =IF(OR([Start Date]@row > [Goal Period End Date]@row, [Finish Date]@row < [Goal Period Start Date]@row), 0, IF([Start Date]@row >= [Goal Period Start Date]@row, IF([Finish Date]@row >= [Goal Period End Date]@row, [Goal Period End Date]@row - [Start Date]@row, [Finish Date]@row - [Start Date]@row), IF([Finish Date]@row >= [Goal Period End Date]@row, [Goal Period End Date]@row - [Goal Period Start Date]@row, [Finish Date]@row - [Goal Period Start Date]@row)))

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    And here is the shortest/most efficient I personally could come up with:

    =MAX(0, MIN([Finish Date]@row, [Goal Period End Date]@row) - MAX([Start Date]@row, [Goal Period Start Date]@row))

  • Kyle Keever
    Kyle Keever ✭✭✭✭


    Thanks for the effort! I think it's pretty much working but I also need it to calculate work days only or "networkdays" How would I augment your function to add this feature?

    =MAX(0, MIN([Finish date]206, [Goal Period End date]206) - MAX([Start Date]206, $[Date to be received]$403))

    The function I'm using is above. I substituted a cell reference instead of using the "goal start period start date" column.

    As you can see I'm getting 3.7... for goal duration. Not sure why that would be a decimal.



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    For working days you would use something like this...

    =NETWORKDAYS(MAX([Start Date]206, $[Date to be received]$403), MIN([Finish date]206, [Goal Period End date]206))

  • Kyle Keever
    Kyle Keever ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Paul! It works! Appreciate you!


  • Kyle Keever
    Kyle Keever ✭✭✭✭

    One more thing Paul. Where there is no date entered in "start date" column the formula is returning all working days from $[Date to be received]$403 to [Goal Period End date]206. Can you adjust the formula to make those instances zero?

    thanks again


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Sure thing...

    =IF([Start Date]@row <> "", NETWORKDAYS(MAX([Start Date]206, $[Date to be received]$403), MIN([Finish date]206, [Goal Period End date]206)), 0)

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