Looking for a way to create a workflow item from e-mail received

I am looking for a way for an e-mail, or contents of an e-mail to be sent to maybe a Outlook mailbox that would "Auto-Generate" a system support ticket (for which a workflow already exists). Is that possible?

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Dennis Baluh

    As an alternative, depending on your Microsoft subscription, you might have access to Power Automate. If it is accessible, here's a quick workflow that I believe will do what you wish from an Outlook mailbox.

    I created this from a blank workflow, starting with Outlook. Smartsheet is a built in connector.

    That's it. Save and it's done. When an email arrives in Outlook that matches the required filter criteria, Power Automate inserts a new row in the designated smartsheet, filling in information you have provided (static, dynamic, or formula based).



  • Hey @Dennis Baluh,

    From my understanding, you are looking for a way to automatically generate a Row within a Sheet when an Email is received. There currently isn't a functionality for this but it may be possible to utilize the Smartsheet API to create an integration that can perform this action. I recommend reviewing our Smartsheet API Documentation: https://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/ for details and instructions on this topic.

    You may also submit an Enhancement Request via this form for our Product Team to consider this functionality for development. We appreciate your input!

    We typically communicate about new or improved features once they've been released. Depending on the nature of the changes, we announce through email, in-product messaging, or via announcements here at the Smartsheet Community.

    At any time, you can see a list of past updates in our Release Notes(https://www.smartsheet.com/release-notes) on the Smartsheet website. If you'd like to help us further improve Smartsheet with ideas on how Smartsheet could be better, or have other users vote for this functionality, please contact us here: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form?EQBCT=739aa75f30ca43a8a22eb53e4da7d409

    I hope this helps!


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Dennis Baluh

    As an alternative, depending on your Microsoft subscription, you might have access to Power Automate. If it is accessible, here's a quick workflow that I believe will do what you wish from an Outlook mailbox.

    I created this from a blank workflow, starting with Outlook. Smartsheet is a built in connector.

    That's it. Save and it's done. When an email arrives in Outlook that matches the required filter criteria, Power Automate inserts a new row in the designated smartsheet, filling in information you have provided (static, dynamic, or formula based).


  • I set this up, and it looks pretty much identical to your example, but the "entry" or line never actually gets created in the form defined. Any ideas why the final result isn't happening?

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Without seeing your flow, I don't know for sure. Have you verified that you can see your Outlook inbox (it is YOUR outlook inbox? If not, do you have permission to it?). Delete any filters you have in subject line, etc to see if anything comes through. The row insertion wasn't instantaneous, and seems like I had to refresh- just like any automation. In your post above - you mentioned "the entry never gets created in the form." You did mean in the GRID (spreadsheet), correct?

    I am by no means a Power Automate whiz but would be happy to try to help you out. If the above doesn't resolve your issue, let me know and we'll take the conversation off line.
