Allow 'Change Value' in Automations to add a functioning formula
Currently Change Value converts any formula added to text.
Remove the " ' " to allow functioning formula to be automatically added
I also want to use automation to change the value in a cell to a formula. Has any progress been made on this suggestion?
I would like to add my vote for this too! It would be nice to use automations to add specific formulas in them base on the conditions.
Michael Halvey
"Strive for Progress, not Perfection."
Another vote for this functionality. Can't believe it's not in already.
I NEED this functionality as well. It would be such a time-saver and hoping this will help bump this up on the priority.
One more vote for this. I could really use this ability now.
It would also be great to be able to add formulas to a contact list column as well, especially considering that we cannot use groups in a contact list column.
This is a required and needed functionality. If there's a way to remove the ' from the cell move, that would be ideal.
For now, I'm manually removing the ' from each row when it's added. Super cumbersome.
I also would find this very helpful to be able to insert a formula into a cell using an automation. This and being able to copy dependencies between rows when coping them from one sheet to another would greatly increase the value of the tool.
Bump. This is a frustrating one.
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I'm responding only to the original question:
What do you want the target cell value to be if the value of the trigger column ("type")/cell@row is not "section"?
Currently, I think a column formula with several levels of IF() formula can get the job done, e.g. =IF([type]@row = "section", SUM(CHILDREN()), "value if [type]@row <> "section")
Its not the best solution but just leave the cell blank... Hear me out - If you have the formula in at least two rows directly above then the formula will auto populate into the cells below as rows are added. This has worked for me when user submit things to my Form.
Having a formula populate a cell value through automation would be immensely helpful! I'm trying to update a cell automatically based on a users input, but not for all rows. If the user selects A, then do nothing, but if user selects B, then =[column1]@row+[column2]@row.
Hi @Claire Lou - I've found making specific column formula IF statements can help in some situations with multiple options needed. I don't fully know your case but first thought after reading it was an IF statement looking for A then blank cell, but if B then join those cells, if they are numbers.
You can build a string of situational IF statements if need for multiple options. I hope this gives you some ideas or workarounds. 😀
Michael Halvey
"Strive for Progress, not Perfection."
Thanks @MHalvey —- I appreciate your response. I understand I can create a separate cell for that however, I have an intake form. I'd like to ask them to name their items but not when it's a bug or admin item. If it's either of those two things, then I'd want the automation to automatically concatenate IntakeType+UniqueID. I can create a separate column to create this value but even with automation, it won't let me change the cell type to anything other than text input.