Email Notifications


Is there a way to change the header of email notifications when it says: "Name" via Smartsheet?

Can that be changed to the person who submitted the form?


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Megan Sultze

    The name that appears in the notification subject will depend on the trigger for the workflow and the action of the workflow.

    The sheet owner will appear as the sender name when the notification email delivers: an alert triggered by multiple users’ changes in your sheet, a time-based alert, an update request, or an approval request. (See the notes on this functionality here).

    However when an alert is triggered by a single user’s change in your sheet (such as a Form Submission), that user should appear as the sender name for the notification email.

    How is your form set up, do you have it so that users have to sign in to Smartsheet in order to access the form? If so, then your alert could have their name as the "sender"! But your trigger for the workflow would need to be that a new row is created. Does that make sense?

    If this isn't what you're experiencing, it would be helpful to see a screen capture of your current automation and a description of your process (but please block out any sensitive data).



  • Megan Sultze

    Hi @Genevieve P

    I do not have the users sign in when they submit a form. I gave them the link to the form and they set that up on their dashboard so they click on that and it will take them to the form.

    Is that the only way that I would be able to have their name show as the sender?

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Megan Sultze

    Yes, you would need to turn this setting on from the Form Settings, here:

    Otherwise the form won't be able to tell who created the row to associate the name with the notification, it would just be an anonymous "Form User". (See: Manage Form Display and Submission Options)



  • Megan Sultze

    @Genevieve P

    I had the users sign in to Smartsheet, but I am still having the issue where their name is not coming up like shown below. I submitted the form, but the owner of the sheet is the name below.

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Megan Sultze

    Are you able to provide a screen capture of the Workflow set-up? Is this an Alert based on the trigger of "when a row is added"?

  • Megan Sultze

    It's an approval workflow when a new form is submitted.

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Megan Sultze

    Thank you for clarifying! The reason the Sheet Owner's name is appearing is based on the type of action that your workflow is sending, the approval request:

    "The sheet owner will appear as the sender name when the notification email delivers: an alert triggered by multiple users’ changes in your sheet, a time-based alert, an update request, or an approval request. (See the notes on this functionality here)."

    At this time there is no way to adjust the name shown for this type of action. Please let the Product team know of your use-case and request by filling in this form, here.

    Thank you,


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