My Work App only displays the first 100 rows of data, is there a row maximum?


Hello, My work app is only showing 100 rows of data on mobile devices but all rows are visible within the App on my laptop in "View Live App". Is there a data limit on mobile devices for Apps or is there something I'm missing?




  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @KMiracle

    If you have a sheet in your WorkApp then it will show more than 100 rows at once. However it sounds like you may be referring to a report, is that correct?

    If so, reports will still show all rows, but they display 100 rows at one time. You should see a small arrow at the bottom of the page to allow you to navigate to the next 100, like so:

    Let me know if this resolved your issue!

