CountIF Formula Help for Dashboard

See screenshot. I want to create a graph on a dashboard that shows how many total rows on the sheet pertain to Medical, Fire, and/or Police (indicated by checkbox columns on each row). Will I need to create an Agency Name sub row for each Medical, Fire, and/or Police I want to be represented on the graph for the COUNTIF formula to work? How can I accomplish this? I've also played with using the Discipline column as a multi-select for the COUNTIF formula to use, but to no avail. Help?


Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Yes. When you create a cross sheet reference, the "Range" will have whatever it needs stored on the back-end. So if you selected the Medical column header to choose the entire column then it will DISPLAY as "Range1", but on the back-end will be stored as Medical:Medical. This means that the {Range} is the only range we need for the formula. We don't need to include a second range to specify where on the other sheet since we already selected that when creating the cross sheet reference.


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