formula for date


I have a column titled "order submit date" i would like for the formula to put a checkmark or flag (which ever is easier) in the "process time" column if its been 5 days since the "order submit date entry"

do i have the formula sort of correct?

=IF([Order Submit Date]@row >= TODAY(5), not sure what goes here to return a check mark or flag)

Best Answer

  • Glenn Butler
    Glenn Butler ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You just about have it. Create column type checkbox. Then for your if statement use your formula in that box where the "If TRUE Then 1. If you return a 1 you will see the box is checked.

    =IF([order submit date]@row >= TODAY(5), 1)


  • Glenn Butler
    Glenn Butler ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You just about have it. Create column type checkbox. Then for your if statement use your formula in that box where the "If TRUE Then 1. If you return a 1 you will see the box is checked.

    =IF([order submit date]@row >= TODAY(5), 1)

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