IFTEXT vs something for numbers not just text

Hello Community,

I am using an IFTEXT function to automatically check a box in one column if the cell in another column(s) has text in it. I also need it to check the box when the other corresponding cells have, not only text, but numbers as well. Is it possible to combine the functions to allow for an "OR" command that includes numbers, for "anything in the cell" will trigger the box to be checked.

Thank you in advance,

Sarah Lee


  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Sarah,



    It returns true is the cell is not blank.


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  • Ok, thanks for that Mark Cronk . Can you please review this formula for me.

    Original formula:

    =IF(OR(ISTEXT(pH@row), ISTEXT(EC@row), ISTEXT([High Temp]@row), ISTEXT([High Temp]@row), ISTEXT([Low Temp]@row), ISTEXT([Day RH%]@row), ISTEXT([Night RH%]@row)), 1)

    New formula (Not working):

    =IF(NOT(ISBLANK(pH@row), ISBLANK(EC@row), ISBLANK([High Temp]@row), ISBLANK([High Temp]@row), ISBLANK([Low Temp]@row), ISBLANK([Day RH%]@row), ISBLANK([Night RH%]@row)), 1)

    I feel like the new formula needs to include "OR" somewhere and not sure if the ",1" needs to be there.

    Thanks in advance,


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