Harvey Ball Formula Question

Where di I make a mistake? Current formula is below and not correctly converting Stage Progress to a three quarter Harvey ball when Last Activity Type is Final Presentation.

=IF([Last Activity Type]@row = ISBLANK([Last Activity Type]@row), "Empty", IF([Last Activity Type]@row = "Initial Presentation", "Quarter", IF([Last Activity Type]@row = "Survey", "Half", IF([Last Activity Type]@row = "Verbal Agreement", "Three Quarter", IF([Last Activity Type]@row = "Qualified Win", "Full")))))


  • Hi Adam:

    It looks like the conditions for "Final Presentation" are not included in your original formula. Try using something like this:

    =IF([Last Activity Type]@row = ISBLANK([Last Activity Type]@row), "Empty", IF([Last Activity Type]@row = "Initial Presentation", "Quarter", IF([Last Activity Type]@row = "Survey", "Half", IF(OR([Last Activity Type]@row = "Verbal Agreement", [Last Activity Type]@row = "Final Presentation"), "Three Quarter", IF([Last Activity Type]@row = "Qualified Win", "Full")))))

    Hope this helps!

  • Adam Kinney
    Adam Kinney ✭✭✭✭

    Saw that I had Verbal agreement in place of Final Presentation 🤦‍♂️