Days to Complete Formula for Each Request Type

For a sheet that contains a list of service requests received, I would like to return the number of days between the "Requested Due Date' and the "Actual Completion Date" for each "Request Type." I tried using NETWORKDAY(s) to just return the number of days between the two dates but I keep getting UNPARSEABLE errors. I also tried using an IF formula to provide the number of days based on request type, but that didn't work either. I would be happy to get a formula to work for just the number of days between the two dates, but it'd be even better to get this for each request type.

I also noticed that when I use Smartsheet to generate the formula, the syntax is different from the examples provided on formula web pages. For example, the examples show square brackets, [ ], but the auto-generated formula uses curly brackets, { }. Because of this I'm a little confused about the correct syntax to use. Thanks!



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