Multi-tracking users in a locked column based on a cell change unlocked column for all records

I think this requires some function list designing, for the automation feature does not allow this based how our complex sheets are setup. In our tracking Smartsheet, we're trying to systematize the multi tracking of our users (Techs) into a locked column.

User 1 (Tech 1) is assigned a record (ticket #) in "Assigned To" unlocked column , but User 2 (Tech 2) logs in and goes to "Status" (unlocked column) and updates it's record from a pull down menu to "Finalized." We want to track the user (Tech#) who finalized that record in it's own column "Finalized By" (locked).

In short, we're mulit-tracking Techs who are assigned a ticket and either the same or another Tech finalizes a ticket within our sheet; we'll eventually report which Tech who finalized respective ticket. Hope that makes sense, ahh lil help please and thank you in advance.


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