Countifs with distinct on four column from another worksheet

edited 08/04/21 in Formulas and Functions

Hello Everone,

I tried to post this before, but it was probably the wrong way.

I am new on the community, though I have been using Smartsheet for few years, (I am French, maybe my English will be different than yours sorry about that).

I came here to look for an answer to my problem. I am trying to use the Distinct function combine with countifs, but I can't get it to work 

.Here is what I am trying to do.

I collect a report of my workers days from a form on a sheet with the names, date and all other type of info I need from the job site.

I am trying to extract from that sheet how many differents days the man have worked on a month, knowing that I can have 2 or 3 input for a same day (morning on one job and afternoon on another one)

=COUNTIFS({Repports JOBSITE 2021 Names}; =Name@row; {Repports JOBSITE 2021 Month}; =Month@row; {Repports JOBSITE 2021 Year}; =Year@row)

This formula give me the count of input by worker but it doesn't give the exact number of workday.

I am not sure were to use the DISTINCT function

I can provide you with more info if you need to understand better my problem.

I would very much appreciate any input that can help me go forward with this.

I could use this type of function for many of my Smartsheet tables.

Thank you for taking the time to read.


ABC Construction

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