How to calculate due dates based on 2 criteria fields


I want to have the due date column auto populate based on project start date and # of days for each category. Is this possible?

So all tasks in project level rows would be due 30 days from start date, all EVAC tasks would be due 90 days from project start date.


  • Michael Pappas
    Michael Pappas ✭✭✭✭

    The way that your sheet is currently set up, assuming that the first row in the picture is Row 1 ->

    For Planning Level:

    =DATE(VALUE(RIGHT($[Step/Phase]$2, 4)), VALUE(LEFT($[Step/Phase]$2, 1)), VALUE(MID($[Step/Phase]$2, 3, 1))) + $[Step/Phase]$3

    For EVAC Tasks:

    =DATE(VALUE(RIGHT($[Step/Phase]$2, 4)), VALUE(LEFT($[Step/Phase]$2, 1)), VALUE(MID($[Step/Phase]$2, 3, 1))) + $[Step/Phase]$4

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