Auto Assign Subtasks to mirror parent


It would be very useful if I had the ability to auto assign subtasks to be categorized the same as the parent task.


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Rixusmaximus

    Try adding the formula =PARENT() to the sub-task rows. This will auto-bring in the Parent row information into the cells below it!

    If you want to only write the formula once, you could create a Helper Column to identify the category. Then in a formula, check to see if a row is a Parent or Child, and either return the Category in the row (if it's a Parent) or return the Parent row Category (if it's a Child row).

    Something like this:

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Primary Column]@row)) > 0, [Category]@row, PARENT([Category]@row))

    Then you can make this a Column Formula so it populates every row:



  • mel_berk

    I'm trying to auto assign sub-tasks based off of the parent task, which seems to work fine until I want to create the formula as a column formula. Once I do that the sheet will eliminate all of the data I already have in the Assigned To column and won't allow me to enter anything.

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @mel_berk

    Have you looked into the Assign People automated workflow? If you had the Parent Task name somewhere in the child row (such as with my formula above), then you could use the workflow to assign the person in the Assign To column without using a formula.



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