Need to count "time allotment" If certain statements are True


I am trying to count the "time allotment" using the below restrictions. The below formula counts how many meetings each person has, I am trying to add another one to count how many hours of meetings they are in.

Working Formula for how many meetings: =COUNTIFS({Editor}, HAS(@cell, Metric@row), {Type}, "Meeting", {Meeting Status}, AND(@cell <> "Cancelled", @cell <> "Complete"), {Start Date Estimated}, AND(@cell <= TODAY(+7)))

What I have tried so far, that does not work.

=COUNTIFS({Editor}, HAS(@cell, Metric@row), {Type}, "Meeting", {Meeting Status}, AND(@cell <> "Cancelled", @cell <> "Complete"), {Start Date Estimated}, AND(@cell <= TODAY(+7)), COUNT({Time Allotment}))

=COUNTIFS({Editor}, HAS(@cell, Metric@row), {Type}, "Meeting", {Meeting Status}, AND(@cell <> "Cancelled", @cell <> "Complete"), {Start Date Estimated}, AND(@cell <= TODAY(+7)), COUNTM({Time Allotment}))

=COUNT({time allotment}), =COUNTIFS({Editor}, HAS(@cell, Metric@row), {Type}, "Meeting", {Meeting Status}, AND(@cell <> "Cancelled", @cell <> "Complete"), {Start Date Estimated}, AND(@cell <= TODAY(+7)))

=COUNT({Time Allotment}),=IF({Editor}, HAS(@cell, Metric@row), {Type}, "Meeting", {Meeting Status}, AND(@cell <> "Cancelled", @cell <> "Complete"), {Start Date Estimated}, AND(@cell <= TODAY(+7)))


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