do a calculation based on drop dowm list


I have same data comming from differents drop down lists and I am trying to do some calulation based on them, each list represent a certain % in my calulation. I have hard time to do any type of caluclation with them, please help if you have an idea.


  • Hi @Otman

    Can you post a screen capture of all the values in your dropdown list, and let us know what you want each selection to represent?


    Dropdown option: "Value 1" = 20%

    Dropdown option: "Value 2" = 40%

    Then we can write a Nested IF statement that says, if the column is "Value 1", return 0.2 (or 20%).The formula would looks something like this:

    =IF([Dropdown Column]@row = "Value 1", 0.2, IF([Dropdown Column]@row = "Value 2", 0.4, IF([Dropdown Column]@row = "Value 3", 0.6, IF([Dropdown Column]@row = "Value 4", 0.8, IF([Dropdown Column]@row = "Value 5", 1)))))

    Does that make sense?



  • Otman
    Otman ✭✭

    Hi Genevieve,

    Thank you for your answer, I would like to do a further caluculation based on va;lues obtained by using a formula in Smart sheet such as

    =IF(Impact@row = "Negligible"; "1"; IF(Impact@row = "Minor"; "2"; IF(Impact@row = "Moderate"; "3"; IF(Impact@row = "Significant"; "4"; IF(Impact@row = "Severe"; "5")))))

    Thank your for your help, I highly appreciated

  • Hi @Otman

    I see you have quotes around your numbers in the formula. This means they're being returned as text, not as numbers, which is why your other calculation won't work.

    Instead of:

    =IF(Impact@row = "Negligible"; "1"


    =IF(Impact@row = "Negligible"; 1 < No Quotes


    =IF(Impact@row = "Negligible"; 1; IF(Impact@row = "Minor"; 2; IF(Impact@row = "Moderate"; 3; IF(Impact@row = "Significant"; 4; IF(Impact@row = "Severe"; 5)))))

    You will need to do the same for the formula in the Risk Values column. Does that make sense?



  • Otman
    Otman ✭✭

    Hi Genevieve,

    It works, thank you very much for your help, have a nice day

    Best regards

  • Otman
    Otman ✭✭

    Hi Genevieve,

    I have another questions, and I would like you to help me on it (Calculation from Smartsheet forms via different smartsheet), thank you in advance for your help and amability.

    Best regards

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