Workspaces for multiple team members - getting started.

Hello -

We are wanting to build out Smartsheet for our internal Project Management team to use with clients as well. I've used Smartsheet in the past and want to make sure we set up the structure correct to begin with. Below are our goals.

 - Each team member is able to manage multiple projects each with their own sheet that is shared with an external user (client).

- Each team member will need a report and dashboard to show all tasks and pertinent information across all their projects.

I know the above is easily accomplished with workspaces and reporting. However the next bullet point is what I'm stuck on.

- We also need the ability as the Team Manager to see all team members and their projects for reporting/dashboarding, but we don't want each team member to see other team members sheets.

Is this possible? I was going to do a workspace for each team member and then they would have their own workspaces for types of client but I see we can't do workspaces within workspaces.

Thanks for your help.
