Development Notations

Hi Community-

Tried to put this in the Best Practices forum, but couldn't select the option.

I'm trying to come up with a way to record notations and documentation when developing a SmartSheet. I know I could use Comments, but I'm wondering if anyone has any other practices they can share. I'm expecting that someday I will hand over a SmartSheet to a new Owner and they will need to backtrack something. I may not be available, or I may not even remember what I was thinking at the time 😉

Things I would like to be able to record:

Data source- where does the data pull from

Links- what other assets use this sheet (i know this can be seen under a formula, but there can be many in the whole sheet)

Change log- I know there is an activity log, but some tools could be incredibly busy and such a search could miss something.

Any best practices you can share are appreciated.

Thank you
