COUNTIFS and with 2 different values in same column with a value in another column?

I have two different columns lets say "Colone" and "Coltwo". Colone has a value GZ22 and GZ21. Coltwo column has two activities "Completed" and "Just Completed"

I'm trying to create a formula to count which counts the activity "Completed " that are done in GZ22 with the activity "Just Completed" that are done in GZ22. and both columns "Colone" and "Coltwo" are in a same sheet named CP.

i am using the formula

=COUNTIFS({CP Colone}, "GZ22", {CP Coltwo}, "Completed"})+ =COUNTIFS({CP Colone}, "GZ22", {CP Coltwo}, "Just Completed")

i get "unparseable" as the answer.

Can anyone help me solve this?


Best Answer

  • Christina09
    Christina09 Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You need to take out the "=" in the second part of the formula.

    Try =COUNTIFS({CP Colone}, "GZ22", {CP Coltwo}, "Completed"})+ COUNTIFS({CP Colone}, "GZ22", {CP Coltwo}, "Just Completed")


  • Christina09
    Christina09 Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You need to take out the "=" in the second part of the formula.

    Try =COUNTIFS({CP Colone}, "GZ22", {CP Coltwo}, "Completed"})+ COUNTIFS({CP Colone}, "GZ22", {CP Coltwo}, "Just Completed")

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